Saturday, March 30, 2019

Layout Update

I've cleaned out garage space and set up a couple tables to hold the modules.
After ispection, the track damage from the last 2 1/2 years of storage and moving is less than feared, but a Kato double crossover did bite the dust.
Oh, well, ...

Its' location was in a 1x (or single length) module as seen by the skewed straight sections.  I'm very seriously considering replacing the DXO, and the other side of the module, with a pair of single crossovers.  Still to be determined the exact configuration, but I think it'd be better than a single DXO.  I do have another DXO, BTW.

Here, at the opposite end, is the stack of Tomix tram track to form the loop-to-loop tram system down the middle.

The concept for the whole set is, currently, as shown here.  After some time, it's pretty well set.  The only real decision is, if going to single crossovers, which way to face them.  It will make a difference, operationally.  Gotta think on it.
Comments and suggestions appreciated.

The concept for

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