Monday, August 26, 2019

With August Winding Down . . .

As September approaches, it's been HOT in north Texas - about 102F today (about 8-10F above "normal,) with the Temperature Humidity Index over 110F.  The morning started too hot to endure it even in the garage. So, I've retreated to the "office" (her name for a spare bedroom that'll never have a bed while we're here!) and worked on drawings and sketches to settle how to wire the loop modules.  I think that's done, but will have to wait for cooler time to implement it.  That may be tomorrow, IF the promised cool front arrives and does its job.

When not thinking about wiring, and doing chores around the house, I've started on a couple structure kits.  I have a good stock that I've accumulated over the years, and now seems to be a good time to start on them.  I'm thinking that as I finish one, I'll make a "blind" reach into the bin and whatever comes out will be the next build.  It should make for a fun fall season.

Here is what I've done so far (none are finished).

The bright one on the left is to be a beach business, "Big Jim's Surf and Scuba Shop."  I'm wanting to find an HO beach bum to mount up top on a surf board.
An HO 6' figure looks about 12' in an N scale setting. :)

The other two don't have a specific use in mind yet.  Eventually, when finding their way onto a specific module, something will occur.  It usually does.

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