Monday, January 6, 2020

The Rat's Nest

The wiring under the layout I've been working on could have been a headache, a proverbial "rat's nest."  But, however it looks physically, the wiring diagram I posted last time has proven valuable.  I made a couple very minor revisions, and here's the "final" version.  As of today. Yeah, right.

The first of the changes are (I won't ask you to hunt for them) moving Connection J from Block 3 to Block 5.  The other is Connection 7.  It doesn't exist, since I haven't installed a power drop on the C-module curved track.  Rather than delete it altogether, I'm preserving it should the need arise in the future.  Hence, it's shown as (7).  Some future drawings will have a need for this feed point.  Yes, even now there are expansion plans bubbling under the surface.

Also, I've turned the double-crossover's module around to move it away from the wye's turnout.  It probably would have been fine there, but it kinda bothered me, so, now's the time to do it.  In the (distant?) future, I'd like to replace it with single crossovers on each side of that module.

A word about the power connectors.  Kato and Tomix have differing styles of connectors, which was a small item to address.  What I chose to do was use Kato's through out.  Some terminal blocks, and a little snip - strip - screw down and the conversion was complete.  While I was at it, for now, Connections B1, B2, and B3 are tied to the Inner Loop power, as well.  In the future . . .?

The only place where the Tomix connectors are still used is in the tram loop system, at T1 and T2.  I made a small connector block (T) for them.  To my knowledge, Tomix doesn't.  It is simple to do.

The Tomix connectors (Neo series?) are 0.1" spacing two wire plugs.  That's a common size for computer and electronic breadboard, so a small piece was cut, pins soldered, and instant connection board!  I added a Neo pigtail to it so it plug into the Tomix power pack I have.  Simple.

Hopefully, modules will be joined tomorrow, and once again I'll be running trains.

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