Wednesday, May 1, 2019

When it rains

Another 1" of rain last night.  I guess it's trying to keep the moss in the yard from drying out.

A little more on the Taki-Tiki design.  I messed around with it a bit more, and added a shorter (2') module between the 3' pieces. 

This adds a connector between the two switching areas, off the community tracks.  I'm thinking these three modules, with Taki-Tiki facing the front, could be a stand-alone display for a one day (or even 1/2 day) school or library display. I've done a few of them in my time, and had fun doing them.  Ah, the good old days.

After checking my track stock, a small order for a few pieces more and this project is crowding its way to the top of the to-do list.

Another small layout I've done is called the Booville Central.  It's based on the Microtrains Haunted Hamlet collection.  The set of buildings come with a single round base.  I wound up with two bases, but that's a long, boring story for a never time.

I make a loop of Tomix C177 (7" radius) on each base, along with a few buildings.  A tram is run there.  I favor the Kato Hamburg trams or the Pocket trains for these.

Then, a Figure-8 using 249mm radius Kato surrounds both bases.  A small passenger train loops around on this track.  So, on one table, a Halloween village with three trains! 

I prefer dark blue (for water) or black (it is Halloween, after all) table covering.  I'm having good service out of the cheapest queen flat sheets I can get.  One covers a 6' table just fine.

Booville at a library

Yeah, the video calls it something else, but Booville Central is what it's become, and what it'll probably stay.  Well, it's time to shut this thing down and get to the barn and work on some good stuff. 

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