Monday, July 1, 2019

The Track Fitting for the Taki-Tiki

Today was a good day for the Trans-Tropics Rwy.  With all the track finally in hand, the initial assembly and fitting to the track to the modules was done.  No track is attached as of yet, but it has been fitted.

The modules, from front to back, are the Trans-Tropics Rwy-10, the -14, the -13, and the -End Loop. No, there's not going to be 14 modules in the set.  The numbers refer to the iterations I went through settling on these track plans.  Obviously, an island - beach type theme is planned.  So, I  painted the module tops in "Riviera Sand" to try to look right in the places where bare sand shows through the ground cover.

Overall, it has gone pretty much as planned. The -14 has a small issue (seen here:)

There's a small gap in the track near the left front.  I'm going to work on that tonight, to figure why the plans and actual track differ. It's just a part of the fun, figuring out where I had a "Doh!" moment.  If this is the worst that happens along this project, then Mr. Murphy is being kind to me.  Ha, like that'll happen.  The rest are as drawn.  Hooray for AnyRail!

With errands tomorrow, and who knows what else later, I'm hoping to have -13's track fastened and powered by the weekend.  Here's hoping!

So, Mr. Ken, this is the plan for the modules you made for me. 

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