Here's the newly-decaled train headed for Plano across the Yellowhouse Switch module.
There is much detail work left to do on the train cars, but I'm happy with what has been achieved thus far.

These three side dumps are also to make the trip to Plano with loads of potash in them.
The two large cacti just to the right of #74 are used to mark the gaps in the track, needed for electrical purposes.

The potash loads are fresh from a wash in India Ink, then sealed with Dull-cote. When dry, they drop into the side-dump cars.
Each of the three is different in detail. They are very neat set of castings from Firebox Models.
Right now, the only visible animal on the module is this bull by Arrtista. A nice, heavy metal casting, it really makes the module work in my view.
I plan on adding a couple of varmits at a later time. Otherwise, the module is nearly finished. I'm following a "less is more" philosophy here.
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